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Head of Marketing

Barcelona, Spanje Aanvraagnummer 2741
maandag 10 juni 2024

We mengen zorg & creativiteit om de wereld te voeden

Griffith Foods is een internationale productontwikkelingspartner, actief in de voedingsmiddelenindustrie. We zijn gespecialiseerd in de ontwikkeling en productie van hoogwaardige voedingsingrediënten, die we wereldwijd leveren aan zowel internationale als regionale voedingsbedrijven.

Als familiebedrijf dragen we al meer dan honderd jaar zorg voor mensen. Griffith Foods heeft een uitstekende reputatie opgebouwd op vlak van collaboratieve innovatie. Onze mensen geven om elkaar, om onze klanten en om de consument. We helpen onze klanten om betere producten te ontwikkelen en zetten ons actief in voor een mooiere, duurzamere wereld.

Meer informatie over Griffith Foods kan worden teruggevonden op www.griffithfoods.com.

The purpose of the role

The Head of Marketing is expected to be ‘the’ critical business partner to the Europe Executive Team and key enabler for product category strategy development, strategic thinking, and business development for the region. Drive product leadership and own the product portfolio.

  • Develops comprehensive business strategies including, but not limited to, regional segment strategies product category strategy (in concert with our global segment strategies), including portfolio management and innovation (with an emphasis on health & nutrition and portfolio transformation) driving sustainable commercial success in the target customer segments.
  • Elevation and enhancement of our insight capabilities with a focus on internal and external analyses (customer, consumer and competitors) as a catalyst for long term profitable growth and business model evolution, and brand development and communications.

Leads and executes the global priorities and initiatives aligned with Griffith Foods’ Purpose Driven Strategy; provides guidance and direction to the organization to drive differentiation and sustainable profitable growth for Griffith Foods Europe. Is a cultural role model to the European region by living our values on a day-to-day basis. Leading, coaching and developing the European Marketing team for continued purpose-driven fulfilment



Strategy Development & Activation

  • Develops regional product strategies, rooted in internal/external information and insights, enabled through comprehensive business analysis and in alignment with Griffith Foods’ Purpose Driven strategy.
  • In partnership with Commercial leaders, develops go-to-market plans designed to acquire, penetrate, and retain customers in grow aggressive market segments and/or through the development of strategies to enter attractive adjacent market segments.
  • Consistently analyzes internal and external business performance, data, insights, information, and trends to drive enhanced business strategies and drives organizational recommendations designed to accelerate our purpose driven strategy.
  • Creates & inspires a long-term product leadership vision by defining and developing innovation platforms, continuously optimizing and renovating our product portfolio and driving regional efforts associated with the development of a nutritious and sustainable product portfolio.

Elevation & Integration of Capabilities

  • In partnership with cross-functional peers, leads and coaches’ teams to drive synergistic collaboration across core and new capabilities to drive differentiation in the marketplace.
  • Identifies and establishes the right companies and organizations to incorporate into our network of partners and ecosystems to elevate current core capabilities and/or incorporate new capabilities.

Brand Development & Communication

  • Leads the process to position Griffith Foods Europe in the marketplace as a leader in developing and delivering nutritious, delicious, and sustainable products and solutions which differentiate our brands with our customers, targets, and partners.
  • Leads all regional brand development and communications efforts in partnership with Global Marketing. Tailors messaging to specific audiences, internal and external, to achieve business objectives.
  • Drives the strategic digitalization of Griffith Foods Marketing function through online assets and platforms and developing specific digital capabilities to support commercial activities of the business.

Functional Excellence

  • Leads the definition and development of future strategic direction for the Marketing Organization in the Region.
  • Establishes functional priorities and goals, develops regional Marketing capabilities, and models how the regional/local teams work together harmoniously.
  • Drives functional excellence and discipline across the Region through development and implementation of more consistent processes, frameworks, and best-in-class practices.
  • Develops and influences the People/Talent Management Plan for the Marketing team across the region, inclusive of allocation of resources and deployment of human capital in alignment with business strategy/needs.
  • Proactively and visibly supports the Health and Safety standards, rules and regulations of the organization.
  • As a key member of the Executive Management Team Europe and as an ambassador of the company, operates within defined “core values” and openly supports these operating principles.


  • Bachelor’s degree. MBA preferred ideally with concentration in Marketing and/or Business Administration (focus on strategy).
  • Senior/Executive level experience in Marketing with responsibility across multiple countries. Typically, this position would require a minimum of 15 years’ experience in progressively responsible positions within Marketing. Previous experience in the food industry is required. B2B organisation experience is preferred.
  • Broad depth of knowledge and experience in strategy development, brand management, product management, value proposition creation, business-to-business models.
  • Experience and knowledge of working in a matrix organization.
  • Effective verbal and written communication skills for internal and external audiences.
  • Strong interpersonal and team leadership skills.
  • Ability to connect with people with different backgrounds and skillsets and drive productive dialogue among peers.
  • Advanced knowledge of business software, including PowerPoint and Excel.
  • Fluent in English. Other languages would be valuable. 
  • Ability to travel up to 50% of the time and be able to work across different international time zones.


Werken bij Griffith Foods

We zijn een zorgzaam familiebedrijf waar iedereen de mogelijkheid krijgt om te groeien, zijn of haar persoonlijk ‘doel’ te verwezenlijken en voldoening te vinden in zijn of haar werk. Wij steunen elkaar en tonen wederzijds respect.

We geloven in doen wat juist is, vooral wanneer dat niet vanzelfsprekend is, en we zijn ons ervan bewust dan ons succes afhangt van dat van onze klanten. We wisselen dan ook vaardigheden, kennis en ideeën uit om zo uitzonderlijke producten en oplossingen te kunnen aanbieden.

We waarderen diversiteit onder onze mensen en respecteren elkaars culturele en individuele verschillen. We weten dat in onze verscheidenheid onze unieke kracht schuilt. Alle gekwalificeerde kandidaturen zullen dan ook in overweging worden genomen, ongeacht ras, huidskleur, geloofsovertuiging, geslacht, genderidentiteit of -expressie, seksuele geaardheid, nationaliteit, erfelijke kenmerken, lichamelijke en/of geestelijke beperkingen of leeftijd.

Indien je omwille van een beperking bijstand of hulp kan gebruiken, gelieve ons dan te contacteren via recruiting@griffithfoods.com.

Overige gegevens

  • Functiefamilie Marketing
  • Functieplaats Commercial
  • Reizen vereist Ja
Location on Google Maps
  • Barcelona, Spanje